Spring Centenary Open Show 2023

4th February 2023

Judge: Mr Jon Caton (Henrix)

61 dogs entered, making 65 entries, plus 1 NFC and 4 Puppy Walk

Best in Show: Athena Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (Mrs S Morrell)
Res. Best in Show: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Angela Challenger)
Best Opposite Sex: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Angela Challenger)
Best Puppy in Show: Stagedoor Isobelle (Sandra Stone & Tom Isherwood)
Res. Best Puppy in Show: Keomandi Fly me to the Moon (Mandy Keown)
Best Veteran in Show: Lafay Petite Etoile JW (Mr A Foynes)
Best Phalene in Show: Athena Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (Mrs S Morrell)
Best Fringes in Show: Berestead Haute Couture (Angela Matthews)

Best Dog: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Angela Challenger)
Res. Best Dog: Tricianbri Harry Beau for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
Best Puppy Dog: Keomandi Fly me to the Moon (Mandy Keown)
Res. Best Puppy Dog: Taliesyn Douglas Fir (Mrs Gill Geary)
Best Veteran Dog: Lafay Petite Etoile JW (Mr A Foynes)
Best Bitch: Athena Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (Mrs S Morrell)
Res. Best Bitch: Berestead Haute Couture (Angela Matthews)
Best Puppy Bitch: Stagedoor Isobelle (Sandra Stone & Tom Isherwood)
Res. Best Puppy Bitch: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale)
Best Veteran Bitch: Kazkell Theme for a Dream for Lilnrose JW (Miss M C Waller)

Minor Puppy Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Keomandi Fly me to the Moon (Mandy Keown)
2nd: Yeldeah’s Mr Chizlewick (Mr & Mrs TRC Headley)
3rd: Farthinghall Candy Man (Mrs Katriona Milroy)
Res. Yeldeah’s Mr Pickwick (Mr & Mrs TRC Headley)

Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Taliesyn Douglas Fir (Mrs Gill Geary)

Junior Dog (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Melangel Magic Mix (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Keomandi Fairy King (Mandy Keown)
3rd: Feyetas Love me Tender (Susan Turner)
Res: Lilacrose Final Touch for Lafay (Mr A Foynes)
VHC: Khanor the Musical Guy (A Meacham & M Mann)

Yearling Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Angela Challenger)
2nd: Skyvana Catch me At Jhanakia (Lady Jane Thompson and Sandra Austin)

Novice Dog (0 entries)

Graduate Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Kazkell Cracker Joke (Mrs K Maskell & Miss M Waller)

Post Graduate Dog (1 entry, 1 absent)

Mid Limit Dog (0 entries)

Limit Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Lilnrose I’m in the Limelight with Kazkell (Mrs K Maskell & Miss M Waller)
2nd: Baillion Black obsidian for Zizula (Lindsay Slater)
3rd: Taliesyn Black Walnut (Mrs Gill Geary)

Open Dog (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Tricianbri Harry Beau for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Pappretty Grt Expectations (Christine Anderson)
3rd: Magic Sunrise Brigand with Burghbridge (Imp Lva) (Lindsay Slater)
Res. Martika Kiss and Tell for Lafay (Mr A Foynes)
VHC: Jorgealin Midnight Magic for Kingshaven (Mandy Keown)

Veteran Dog (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Lafay Petite Etoile JW (Mr A Foynes)
2nd: Sarahay Midsummer’s Dream (Mrs K Maskell & Miss M Waller)

Open Phalene Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Lilnrose Ears Looking at you Kazkell (Mrs K Maskell & Miss M Waller)

Minor Puppy Bitch (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Stagedoor Isobelle (Sandra Stone & Tom Isherwood)
2nd: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale)
3rd: Dancing Destiny Mulan Sings at Cazarno (Carolyn Nicholls)
Res. Yeldaeh’s Mrs Pepperpot (Mr & Mrs TRC Headley)
VHC: Yeldaeh’s Miss Elizabeth (Mr & Mrs TRC Headley)

Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Lagcadal Bright Dreamer (Jose Hopkins)

Junior Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Khanor Another Kate at Melangel (Mrs M & Misses B & J Mann)
2nd: Lilacrose Magic Crystal for Lafay (Mr A Foynes)
3rd: Lagcadal Bright Dreamer (Jose Hopkins)

Yearling Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Athena Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) NAF (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Pappretty Georgy Girl (Christine Anderson)
3rd: Melangel Luscious Lola (Mrs M & Misses B & J Mann)
Res. Taliesyn Canterbury Bells (Mrs Gill Geary)

Novice Bitch (0 entries)

Graduate Bitch (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Gaea Honeycrisp Blondie (Jose Hopkins)

Post Graduate Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Gaea Honeycrisp Blondie (Jose Hopkins)

Mid Limit Bitch (0 entries)

Limit Bitch (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Aurora Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) NAF (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Lafford Golden Nugget (Lindsay Slater)
3rd: Johnasta Rosie Quick Step to Melangel (Mrs M & Misses B & J Mann)

Open Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Berestead Haute Couture (Angela Matthews)
2nd: Johnasta Georgia for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell)
3rd: Tonkory Waiting in the Wings (Sandra Stone & Tom Isherwood)
Res. Ch Milbu Warlock at Kenf JW (Imp Lva) (Mr Ken Fulton, handled by Mrs K Maskell)

Veteran Bitch (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Kazkell Theme for a Dream for Lilnrose JW (Miss M C Waller)
2nd:Fedelta Angelica at Taliesyn (Mrs Gill Geary)

Open Phalene Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Aurora Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) NAF (Mrs S Morrell)
2nd: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale)
3rd: Rayol Sparkling Gem (Mrs K Maskell)