Contact us
We would love to hear from you! To send an email simply click the appropriate link.
The Secretary (Mrs Chris Headley)
Contact Chris for all club matters and correspondence
Treasurer & Membership Secretary (Mrs Katriona Milroy)
Contact Katriona for all queries concerning your membership, joining the club and queries concerning the club’s financial matters
Rescue Co-Ordinator (Melanie Mann) Tel: 07751 450400 or 07856 267328
Contact Melanie if you know of a Papillon needing help or are interested in adopting a rescued Papillon.
Newsletter Editor (Chris Headley)
Contact Chris to contribute to the club’s newsletter
Benevolent Fund Administrator (Mrs Katriona Milroy)
Contact Katrina if you know a member who may be in need of a little help.
The Webmaster (Jill Terry)
Only contact Jill on matters concerning the website, ie problem accessing, something not working right.