Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club Spring Open Show 2008

8th June 2008

Judge: Mrs S Morrell
Benevolent/Welfare Classes and JH: Mrs P Cox

It was an honour to be invited to judge this show and I thank the officers and committee for ensuring the smooth running of the show and for taking care of me so well.

In general I found good mouths and the overall presentation of the dogs was excellent. However, there were quite a few without much body who could do with a little more weight. My placings reflected the soundness and movement of the dog which, for me, is so important, but there were some whose movement was less desirable. Certainly something that we need to be aware of for the future.

Sue Morrell

Best in Show: Kirkchase Loved Regardless by Papplewick (Messrs. Olding & Munroe)
Reserve Best in Show: Havenbar Little Gemma (Mr & Mrs Brunsdon)
Best Opposite Sex: Havenbar Little Gemma
Best Puppy in Show: Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Mrs Austin & Mrs Thompson)
Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Jhanakia Highland Diva (Mrs Austin & Mrs Thompson)
Best Veteran in Show: Glasafon Royal Welsh (Mrs Leverett)
Best Fringed in Show: Tawzan Freya of Chriskadu (Ms Pougher)
Best Junior Handler in Show: Rebecca Thompson
Reserve Best Dog: Tinklebury Glenbogle (Mrs D Gornall)
Res Best Bitch: Rayol Moonbeam for Creliatown (Mrs K Tidmarsh)
Best Puppy Dog: Jhanakia Highland Destiny
Res Best Puppy Dog: Rosenjon Samuel Whiskers (Mrs Hobson)
Best Puppy Bitch: Jhanakia Highland Diva
Res Best Puppy Bitch: Kazkell Velvet Dream (Mrs K Maskell)
Best Fringed Dog: Creliatown Bakers-Tri (Mrs K Tidmarsh)
Best Fringed Bitch: Tawzan Freya of Chriskadu (Ms C Pougher)

Minor Puppy Dog (8 ents 2 abs)
1st Rosenjon Samuel Whiskers (Mrs Hobson). Very showy little sable who, at only 7 months, was full of himself. Coat yet to come so had nothing to hide. Pretty, well shaped head and plenty of neck leading to a level topline held on the move. Stood four square and moved like a dream. Well set on tail. Lots to like about this boy. A pity that he was not present to challenge for best minor puppy/best puppy in show.
2nd Havenbar Just Rupert (Mr & Mrs Brunsdon). Brunsdon`s Havenbar Just Rupert. Another well constructed puppy who was sound on the move and held a level topline. Good tail set with a nice plume appearing. Attentive to handler and showed well.
3rd Lorah’s Likely Lad for Claretta (Mrs Wood-Davis)
Res Rosejon Just Like AJ Styles (Master Howarth)

Puppy Dog (8 ents 4 abs)
1st Inixia Fortune Seeker for Shirando (Colyer & Stanbury). Lovely black and white boy who appeared very mature in movement and presentation. Beautiful heavily fringed ears and well shaped skull. Good length of neck and level topline. Good angulation and moved well.
2nd Jhanakia Highland Pride (Austin & Thompson). Totally different in type to 1 but a nicely put together puppy who moved true. Well formed skull and a sweet expression.
3rd Lorah’s Life Is For Livin’ (Mrs Allward-Chebsey)
Res Juan Sanchez (Mrs & Miss Brooks)

Junior Dog (5 ents 1 abs)
1st Rozamie Remarkable (Mr Magri). Such a fine dainty little boy who was full of enthusiasm and epitomised the butterfly. Lovely span of ears with deep fringing. Good length of neck leading to a level topline and good tail set.
2nd Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Austin & Thompson). Discovered later that he is a litter brother to no. 2 in puppy dog. Like his brother, nicely constructed and with a good movement, which, for me, is so important. Slightly finer than his brother and with a little more reach of neck.
3rd Melangel Kristmas Klassic (Mrs & Miss Mann)
Res Jadelands Unique Design in Poppywood (Mrs Wilkinson)

Maiden Dog ( 7 ents 5 abs)
1st Skyvana C’est Ma Souris avec Shadowknight (Mr & Mrs Langdon). Lovely head and dark eye together with good ear fringing and length of neck. Moved true
2nd Melangel Latin Lover (Mrs & Miss Mann). Very dainty little boy just up to size. Well coated and nice tail set. Needs to tighten up a little on his rear movement.

Novice Dog ( 1 ent)
1st Rayol Lionheart for Creliatown (Mrs Tidmarsh). Lovely head, ear set and a dark eye. One of the best movers who, unfortunately, stood alone in the class. Good angulation with good tail set with a nice plume. Would prefer a little more reach of neck to finish the picture.

Graduate Dog ( 13 ents 4 abs)
1st Glasafon His Nibs at Erinbec ShCM (Mr & Mrs Billingham). Sound mover with a lovely head and good reach of neck leading to a level topline which he held on the move. Well angulated and moved well. Good tail carriage and nice plume.
2nd Southanning Kiss Me Quick (Mr & Mrs Foote). Nice tri colour boy with beautiful ear fringing and well shaped skull. Nice dark eye. Well presented and moved and showed well.
3rd Brontigear Orlando (Mrs & Miss Brooks)
Res Travelling By Moonlight to Amicae (Foynes & May)
VHC Lynbank Smartie Jones (Misses McGrath)

Post Graduate Dog (2 ents)
1st Phimeen Benjamin Bunny of Rosenjon (Mrs Hobson). Sound boy with good head and ear fringing. Lovely dark eye and good mouth. Lovely neck and topline leading to a well set on tail which was carried high over his back. Moved and showed well.
2nd Taliesyn Ash (Mrs Geary). Nice little dog which showed well for his handler.

Limit Dog (11 ents 2 abs)

A very nice class with several dogs that could easily change places at varying times.
1st Thoughts Of Stardom at Amsema JW (Miss Mason) What a cracking little dog and one I have admired for a long time. Beautifully put together with lovely shaped head and ears. Good reach of neck and level topline. Well plumed tail carried high over his back. Very well presented and handled. Unfortunately, did not show of his best when it came to best in show.
2nd Candygolds Daydreamer at Papplewick (Olding & Munroe). Totally different type to (1) but a beautifully constructed dog who moved so well. Lovely span of ears and fringing for a red and white. Good neck and topline and stood four square.
3rd Skyvana Apparition of Shawdowknight JW (Miss Langdon)
Res Glasafon Succession (Mrs Leverett)
VHC Tawzan Do It Like Dudley (Mr & Mrs Stevens)

Open Dog (6 ents 2 abs)
1st Kirkchase Loved Regardless by Papplewick (Olding & Munroe). My best in show winner. Striking little black and white boy who moved and showed so well. Best mover of the day. Pretty head and large ear span with good fringing. Lovely dark eye. If I had to be really picky I would like a little more neck. However, for me, he was another that epitomised the papillon – a dainty little butterfly.
2nd Tinklebury Glenbogle (Mrs Gornall). Reserve Best Dog. Another dainty butterfly who moved well. Good reach of neck and level topline. Dark eye and nice head shape. Fairly similar in type to (1) and it was a difficult choice between the two, but I just preferred the head of (1). I am sure they could change places in the future.
3rd Inixia Perfect Host for Shirando JW. ShCM (Colyer & Stanbury)
Res Burghbridge Ur Classic Gold (Mr & Mrs Bartram)

Beginners Dog (4 ents 1 w/d)
1st Southanning Kiss Me Quick (Mr & Mrs Foote)
2nd Lynbank Smartie Jones (Misses McGrath). Nice little dog with good angulation and tail set. Showed well for handler.
3rd Juan Sanchez

Veteran Dog ( 6 ents 3 abs)
Certainly a class of good moving dogs.
1st Glasafon Royal Welsh (Mrs Leverett). Just short of 11 years of age, this boy moved and showed like a dream. Lovely shaped head and good reach of neck. Still has all his teeth. Topline level and held on the move. In good coat with a well plumed tail. Good angulation. Movement coming and going was excellent.
2nd Charmont Tommy Tucker (Stamp & Barber). Almost 8 years old and another good mover. In good coat and stood four square. Well angulated and showed well.
3rd Vella Eurocrat for Creliatown (Mrs Tidmarsh)

Open Phalene Dog (no ents)

Minor Puppy Bitch ( 10 ents 2 abs)
1st Tinklebury Game Set And Match (Mrs Gornall)
2nd Melangel Nicholette (Mrs & Miss Mann)
3rd Lorah’s Joyful with Claretta (Mrs Wood-Davis)
Res Rosejon Jemima Puddleduck (Mrs Hobson)
VHC Burghbridge Maid Of Gold (Mr & Mrs Bartram)

Puppy Bitch ( 12 ents 2 abs)
1st Kazkell Velvet Dream (Mrs Maskell)
2nd Melangel Maybelle at Manawyddan (Drs M & A Griffiths )
3rd Tawzan Tulameen Time (Mr & Mrs Stevens)
Res Glenscote The Loveable Friend at Rayol (Roberts & Smith)
VHC Jhanakia Highland Flame (Austin & Thompson)

Junior Bitch ( 6 ents 0 abs)
1st Amsema Prima Donna (Miss Mason)
2nd Tawzan Ready For Rio (Mr & Mrs Stevens)
3rd Kazkell Tina The Dreamer (Mrs Maskell)
Res Melangel Loves Looby Lou (Miss May)
VHC Jhanakia Highland Diva (Austin & Thompson)

Maiden Bitch ( 9 ents 3 abs)
1st Lorah’s Delightful (Mrs Allward-Chebsey)
2nd Serenglade Chasing Dreams at Avonraine (Mrs Gudgin)
3rd Southanning Song Bird (Mr & Mrs Foote)
Res Ookiimimi Amazing Grace (Mrs Nash)
VHC Babrees Divine Magic at Linrose (Miss Waller)

Novice Bitch (5 ents 4 abs)
1st Lafay Touch Of Frost (Foynes & May)

Graduate Bitch (13 ents 6 abs)
1st Rayol Moonbeam for Creliatown (Mrs Tidmarsh)
2nd Lafay Wota Stunner (Foynes & May)
3rd Flashy Wings Shirando (Mrs Colyer)
Res Kazkell Tina The Dreamer (Mrs Maskell)
VHC Rayol Prada (Roberts & Smith)

Post Graduate Bitch (9 ents 3 abs)
1st Good Luck Charm of Glasafon (Mrs Leverett)
2nd Amazing Moonshine over Inixia (Stamp & Barber)
3rd Havenbar Minniemouse (Mrs Nash)
Res Lorah’s Lady Tristina Claretta (Mrs Wood-Davis)
VHC Matura Darling Dazy (Mrs Lee)

Limit Bitch ( 13 ents 5 abs)
1st Havenbar Little Gemma (Mr & Mrs Brunsdon)
2nd Creliatown Golden Treasure (Mrs Tidmarsh)
3rd Sunshoo Imasecret Love Gleniren (Mr & Mrs Richardson)
Res Kazkell Starlight Dream (Mrs Maskell)
VHC Tinklebury Wild Wendy (Mrs Gornall)

Open Bitch ( 6 ents 3 abs)
1st Ch Christea Midnight Rose for Skyvana (Miss Langdon)
2nd Ch Burghbridge Ura Golden Lady (Mr & Mrs Bartram)
3rd Tinklebury Little Missey (Mrs Gornall)

Beginners Bitch ( 5 ents 2 abs)
1st Havenbar Belle Of The Ball (Mrs Nash)
2nd Babrees Divine Magic at Linrose (Miss Waller)
3rd Ookiimimi Amazing Grace (Mrs Nash)

Veteran Bitch (4 ents 1 abs)
1st Kazkell Day Dream (Mrs Maskell)
2nd Tawzan Freya of Chriskadu (Ms Pougher)
3rd Charmont Lucy Locket (Stamp & Barber)

Open Phalene Bitch (3 ents 2 abs)
1st Bodebi Oriana to Rayol (Roberts & Smith)

Benevolent/Welfare Classes

Brace (3 ents 1 abs)
1st Foynes & May
2nd Foynes & May

Special Open Dog ( 3 ents 2 abs)
1st Inixia Fortune Seeker for Shirando (Colyer & Stanbury)

Special Open Bitch ( 1 ent)
1st Flashy Wings Shirando (Mrs Colyer)

JH 6 – 11 yrs
1st Chloe Foote
2nd Georgia Foote
3rd Rhianna Brooks
Res Josh Howarth
VHC Caragh McGrath

JH 12 – 16 yrs
1st Rebecca Thompson
2nd Amy Mason
3rd Samantha Crawford