Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club Open Show February 2022

05 February 2022

Judge: Mrs Elaine Davidson (Elmaraine)

Entries 82, Absent 20

I was delighted to be asked by the committee and voted for by the members of the Club to judge their open show this February. Thank you everyone for my lovely entry. I have found over the last few years that males seem to be stronger than the females at present and was delighted to find some very nice puppies entered. Overall condition and presentation of the dogs was excellent and despite lower entry numbers and less registrations, what is appearing in the ring is of sound quality. Will be watching all the puppies future careers with interest.
Elaine Davidson

Best in Show: Pappretty Grt Expectations
Res Best in Show, Best Opposite: Metamorphic Vista
Best Puppy In Show: Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style at Panspayon
Res Best Puppy in Show: Skyvana Catch Me at Jhanakia
Best Veteran In Show: Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia
Best Phalene In Show: Serenglade Leap Of Faith for Temelora
Best Fringes: Kazkell A Million Dreams with Kazkell

Best Dog: Pappretty Grt Expectations
Res. Best Dog: Manawyddan Harryhare
Best Dog Puppy: Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style at Panspayon
Best Bitch: Metamorphic Vista
Res. Best Bitch: Theme For A Dream for Lilnrose JW
Best Bitch Puppy: Manawyddan To A Wild Rose

Minor Puppy Dog (7, 1)
1st Thompson & Austin – Skyvana Catch Me at Jhanakia RBPD – lovely black and white puppy, structurally sound even at this young age. Nice front, level topline and large well rounded ears. Lovely dark eye. Very attentive to his handler and willing to please. Will watch his future with interest.
2nd Wells & Brown – Skyvana Caught at Metamorhic. Litter brother to 1 and very similar in type. Slightly larger built and needs time to settle, especially in back movement but no doubt these two will be changing places many times in the future.
3rd Urquhart – Blackpark Bastille
Res Urquhart – Blackpark Aramis
Res Mann – Melangel Love That Lyric

Puppy Dog (4, 0)
1st Orchard – Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style at Panspayon BPD, BPIS – Black and white exhibiting the correct papillon outline. good tail set and good turn of stifle, nice strong dentition, desired dark eye and melting expression. Coat coming nicely with impressive furnishings for his age . Flowed around the ring as if he owned the place, commands attention, another that I will follow with interest.
2nd Urquhart – Blackpark Bastille. r/w A little unsettled but managed to maintain his level topline and carried his tail up. Nice strong dentition, nice spring of rib and inquistive expression.
3rd Urquhart – Blackpark Aramis
Res Maskell & Waller – Kazkell Kracker JokeJunior Dog (1, 1) – absent

Yearling Dog (3, 1)
1st Anderson – Pappretty Grt Expectations BEST DOG, BEST IN SHOW
– rich red and white which I could easily have taken home with me. Beautiful expression, very alert, lovely head with correct ear set. Nice dark pigment. Well constructed, fine boned elegant mover.
2nd Walsh – Purepixie Red Admiral – another red and white with abundant fringing and correct hare feet. Fine boned. Very alert and in tune with his handler, unlucky to meet 1 on the day.

Novice Dog (2, 0)
1st Orchard – Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style at Panspayon
– see puppy dog
2nd Milroy – Farthinghall Filly’s Favour – tri, lock down baby a bit unsettled on the day. Lots to like in this youngster with a beautiful head and large well rounded ears, good turn of stifle and spring of rib. Unfortunately movement could not be properly assessed today.

Graduate Dog (1, 0)
1st Glanville-Hughs & Stanbury – Inixia Tailor Made for Brandonburg
, dark red sable with a lovely no nonsense expression. Beautiful dark pigment, stood four square at all times, nice turn of stiffle, correct tail set. Would have preferred better coat length for his age.

Post Graduate Dog (1, 0)
1st Lilnrose I’m In the Limelight with Kazkell
– shaded sable with large well furnished ears. Correct silky coat which flows as he moves round the ring, level topline and correct tail carriage. Typical flirty butterfly.

Mid Limit Dog (4, 0)
1st Griffiths – Manawyddan Harryhare RBD
lovely black and white with the narrowest of blaze. Large well rounded ears and beautiful dark eye, which sparkled with anticipation. Level topline, deep chest, very nice mover.
2nd Goodwin – Melangel Fabulous Man for Paplene, another black and white with fine blaze and darkest of pigment. Large mobile ears, level topline and correct tailset present a nice outline.
3rd Milroy – Heath Moss At Ringland
Res Wilkinson – Lafford Inspector Morse in Poppywood

Limit Dog (5, 0)
1st Thompson & Austin – Polaris Plyus Juvanal (Imp Rus)
red and white elegant boy with long flowing fringing on large correctly placed ears, which he used to advantage. Correct head, good dentition, dark eye and pigment. Fine boned, elegant mover, very attentive to his owner.
2nd Foynes – Martika Kiss And Tell for Lafay nice compact red and white with fine bone and movement, slightly smaller ear than can be usual for this breed but completely in proportion with overall size. Immaculately presented.
3rd Geary – Taliesyn Black Walnut
Res Headley – Yeldaeh Simply Red
VHC Maskell & Waller – Kazkell A Million Dreams with Lilacrose

Open Dog (6, 1)
1st Morrell – Tricianbri Harry Beau For Temelora
– immaculately presented red sable with nice spring of rib, correct tailset, lovely dark eye. Profuse furnishings and correct hare feet. Moved with drive both coming and going.
2nd Griffiths – Manawyddan Victor Hugo black and white at the larger end of the scale , nice rounded skull and large mobile ears. Slight flecking adds character to his expression, nice reach of neck, in good body
3rd Thompson & Austin – Melangel Highland By Design at Jhanakai
Res Foynes – Lafay Petite Etoile JW
VHC Keown – Jorgealin Midnight Magic for Kingshaven

Veteran Dog (6, 0)
1st Thompson & Austin – Melangel Highland Vogue at Jhanakia BVIS
clear red and white dog that I have always admired. Still a showman, lovely head, good dark eye, tail carriage, level topline, and excellent mover, keeps his level topline at all times. Slightly lacking in feathering due to his colouring but doesn’t detract from his overall outline.
2nd Maskell – Kazkell Thyme To Dream JW ShCM JW very nice 11.5 year old tri, who belies his age. Correct head and ears, Very attentive at all times, in full coat and excellent condition, correct tail set and very sound mover.3rd Geary – Powdermill Designer Touch at Taliesyn
Res Foynes – Travelling By Moonlight to Amicae VW
VHC Humphrey – Caraideas The Extra Mile To Gloynbyw ShCM

Phalene Dog (2, 0)
1st Morrell – Serenglade Leap Of Faith for Temelora BPhIS
proper ear set, flat to the head with beautiful dark eye and expression. Good pigment, nice reach of neck, and spring of rib. Level topline, correct tail set. Nice mover.
2nd Maskell & Waller – Lilnrose Ears Looking At You Kazkell
red sable unlucky to meet 1, melting expression, nice head, profuse coat and ear feathering, correct hair feet. Happy showman paying attention to handler at all times.

Minor Puppy Bitch 4, 2)
1st Griffiths – Manawyddan To A Wild Rose BPB
very confident youngster who came into the ring as if she owned it. Smart mover with beautiful head and expression. Tail wagged at all times. One to watch in the future.
2nd Milroy – Stagedoor Tortilini at Farthinghall heavier marked tri colour, not so sure on the day as 1. Very alert to her owner. Correct head and earset, attractive symmetrical markings, lovely outline.

Puppy Bitch (4, 2)
1st Anderson – Pappretty Georgy Girl RPB
very nice black and white with lovely head and ears, proper tailset with good plume coming, typical quality puppy.
2nd Lees – Keomandi Crystal Moon at Lafford
another quality black and white with the same attributes as one. Not much to choose between these two. Slightly flatter tail set and a little less confident and unsettled on the day. Likely to change places from time to time.

Junior Bitch (0)

Yearling Bitch (3, 0)
1st Goodwin – Losaria Isadora Iluuna Evie for Paplene (Imp Est)
dark red sable phalene, slightly nervy on the day but settled down enough to let me see the correct flowing movement, beautiful shape and structure with correct tail set.
2nd Wykes – Purepixie Lucy With Diamond
fine boned black and white with correct head proportions, alert expression, fine boned with correct hare feet. Maturing nicely. 3rd Mann – Born To Blossom at Melangel

Novice Bitch (2, 0)
1st Szumiec – Tolarty Starry Night.
Dark red sable with slightly smaller ear than I would prefer. Profuse furnishings, flowing coat, nice dentition, very attentive, nice body and spring of rib.
2nd Headley – Yeldaeh Dejavu. Nice smaller built tri colour, quite unsettled on the day, dark pigment and correct dentition. Would like to see with more confidence and coat.

Graduate Bitch (6, 2)
1st Humphrey – Lilnrose Butterfly Kisses to Gloynbylo
pale red and white with the darkest of pigment. Fine and dainty presenting a lovely outline, correct hare feet and tailset. Lovely mover and attentive to owner at all times.
2nd Morrell – Temelora Bella
another quality phalene from this kennel, fabulous pigment, good mouth, nice reach of neck, sound mover and melting expression. 3rd Walklett – Angullyon’s Secret Delight
Res Geary – Taliesyn Winter Jazmine

Post Graduate Bitch (3, 1)
1st Maskell & Waller – Kazkell Lilnrose Dream
tri colour with correct head proportions, ear set and lovely dark eyed expression. Slightly nervy on the day but settled well on the move, very attentive at all times.
2nd Geary – Taliesyn Black Azelea
black and white, with correct ear set, slightly worried expression, nice front and good laid back shoulder, level topline and good tailset. Lacking in coat at the minute.

Mid Limit Bitch (1, 1)Absent

Limit Bitch (9, 3)
1st Wells & Brown – Metamorphic Vista BEST BITCH, BOS
clear red and white with darkest of pigment, profuse coat and fringing in impeccable condition, lovely mover, good lay of shoulder and spring of rib, level topline kept all times. Always on her toes and giving her all. Another I would happily have taken home.
2nd Morrell – Johnasta Georgia for Temelora solid headed phalene with beautiful ear set, melting expression, very dark eye twinkling with mischief and darkest pigment. Well constructed, standing four square and attentive, moved with drive.
3rd Headley – Yeldaeh Lady In Red
Res Geary Taliesyn White Camelia
VHC Milroy – Ringlands Timeless Wishes at Farthinghall

Open Bitch (4, 2)
1st Waller – Kazkell Theme For A Dream for Lilnrose RBB
well constructed tri colour with correct head and ear set, lovely dark eye and alert expression, well plumed tail and correct hare feet. Nice turn of stifle and fine straight forelegs.
2nd Walsh – Jorgealin Moon Star at Purepixie
red and white with black edging on ears, beautiful dark eye with dark eye rim. No blaze but nice enough head to be able to carry it off. In persil white condition, very sound mover, slightly lacking in coat today.

Veteran Bitch (7, 3)
1st Keown – Jorgealin Ch Moon Magic ShCM
abundantly coated clear red and white with darkest pigment. Still has all of own teeth. Well constructed, beautiful head, nice ear set with profuse fringing. Level topline, nice reach of neck. Always attentive. Beautiful mover.
2nd Milroy – Farlysbane Frilly Filly from Farthinghall
lovely tri colour with curtain fringing, profuse coat in immaculate condition. Stood attentive and four square. Good reach of neck, flowing movement. 3rd Orchard – Ringland Yoko’s Solo at Panspayon ShCM ShCEX
Res Headley – Farleysbane Firefly at Lafford

Phalene Bitch (2, 0)
1st Goodwin – Losaria Isadora Iluuna Evie for Paplene (Imp Est)
see yearling bitch
2nd Morrell – Temelora Bella see graduate bitch