Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club Championship Show 2016

16 April 2016

Judge (Dogs): Mrs Queenie Bruce (Tijuana)
Judge (Bitches): Mrs Rosalie Brady (Bordercot)
Referee: Mrs Pat Munn (Ringlands)

Best of Breed: Ch Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo (Robb, Mrs I & Mr G)
Res. Best of Breed: Ch Rozamie Dream Lover (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
Best Opposite Sex: Ch Omegaville Make Me A Petitchien (Forth, Ms A)
Best Puppy: Graycaz Chill Your Boots (Whitehill, Mrs M)
Best Veteran: Ch Frasermar Icicle at Caswell (Scovell, Mrs J)
Best Phalene: Multi Ch Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons ShCM CW14 PPVN15 (Imp USA) (Davidson Poston & Farrell, Mrs J & Miss K A)
Best Fringes: Multi Ch Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons ShCM CW14 PPVN15 (Imp USA) (Davidson Poston & Farrell, Mrs J & Miss K A)
Best Junior Handler: Caragh McGrath

Dog CC: Ch Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo (Robb, Mrs I & Mr G)
Res. Dog CC: Ch Rozamie Dream Lover (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
Best Puppy Dog: Graycaz Chill Your Boots (Whitehill, Mrs M)
Bitch CC: Ch Omegaville Make Me A Petitchien (Forth, Ms A)
Res. Bitch CC: Queen Bless Winner of Art Eroile at Blackpark (Imp Jpn) (Urquhart, Mr G & Mrs C)
Best Puppy Bitch: Rozamie Madame Reeva (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)

2016 Championship Show Winners

Minor Puppy Dog (7 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Rozamie Monsieur Ruffles (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
2nd: Pinkmead Twistin Time (Sparkes, Mrs V)
3rd: Afterglow Pythagoras (Gadsby & Isherwood, Messrs M & T)
Res: Northlyte Lunar D’Argento (Davidson, Mr M G & Mrs E)
VHC: Paparottsie Painted Prince at Baillion (Emans, Mrs Y)

Puppy Dog (14 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Graycaz Chill Your Boots (Whitehill, Mrs M)
2nd: Graycaz Best Bib N’ Tucker (Lee-Slater, Mrs C)
3rd: Ringlands Sunshines Story (Melvin, Mrs M)
Res: Caraideas Orpheus (Hill, Mrs J)
VHC: Afterglow Lord Helpus (Isherwood & Scovell, Mr T & Mrs J)

Junior Dog (13 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Purepixie Swish & Flick (Hart, Miss E)
2nd: Elendil Petit Prince (Borg, Mrs A C & Ms E G N)
3rd: Rozamie Request Belvane (Richardson, Mr & Mrs W A)
Res: Paplewick Persian Power (Clint, Miss J)
VHC: Inixia Cheeky Chap (Stanbury, Mrs S)

Yearling Dog (12 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Never Let Me Go Foussi at Henrix (Imp Pol) (Caton, Mr J & Mrs S)
2nd: Lynflyer Winter Story at Lafford (Lees, Mrs C)
3rd: Purepixie Swish & Flick (Hart, Miss E)
Res: Frasermar Storm in the Snow (Anderson & Comrie-Bryant, Mrs E & Mr F)
VHC: Ookiimimi Jitterbug (Nash, Mrs J)

Maiden Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Afterglow Tom Fool (Scovell, Mrs J)
2nd: Jadelands American Pie in Poppywood (Wilkinson, Mrs S M)

Novice Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Ringlands Sunshines Story (Melvin, Mrs M)

Graduate Dog (11 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Petress Special Blend (Clint, Miss J)
2nd: Sweetbriar Shine On Belvane (Richardson, Mr & Mrs W A)
3rd: Elendil Bellman (Borg, Mrs A C & Ms E G N)
Res: Kazkell Robin the Limelight (Maskell, Mrs K)
VHC: Farthingall’s New Touch at Angullyon (Walklett, Mrs J)

Post Graduate Dog (11 entries, 3 absent)
1st: Kirkchase Danger Mouse (Kirk, Mrs E)
2nd: Amicae Call me Bad at Macstrak (Hatch, Mrs C)
3rd: Herumen Mountain Moon (McGrath, Ms J & Misses K & C)
Res: Rozamie Rouge Grenat (Magri & Thomas, Mr J & Lucy)
VHC: Erinbec Blizzard (Billingham, Mrs B & Mr T)

Mid Limit Dog (12 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Rozamie Pierre (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
2nd: Ablazzor Harley’s Wild Echo at Lynflyer (Morton & Woodrow, Mdms L & L)
3rd: Petitchien’s Truth or Dare Rozamie (Forth & Magri, Ms A & Mr J)
Res: Conysluck Mr Pickles (Letch & Buckley-Waters, C & Mrs I)
VHC: Rozamie Dream Chaser with Chetruda (Lockhart, Mrs V)

Limit Dog (9 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Papplewick Persian Punch (Clint, Miss J)
2nd: Macstrak Jack Daniel (Hatch, Mrs C)
3rd: Afterglow Adonis for Queenslake (Sharp-Dixon, Mr K)
Res: Temelora Mardi Gra (Lock, Mrs K)
VHC: Northlyte Cyclone (Anderson, Mrs L & Miss Karen)

Open Dog (10 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ch Gleniren Shootin Starmaker Sunshoo (Robb, Mrs I & Mr G)
2nd: Ch Rozamie Dream Lover (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
3rd: Sweetbriar Sticks an Stones (Waters, Miss W)
Res: Nl NUCH Lux Mont Ch No Deals Joy to the World (Rutten, Miss C)
VHC: Coffe Ice Cream Forussi at Henrix (Imp Pol) (Caton, Mr J & Mrs S)

Veteran Dog (11 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Ch Frasermar Icicle at Caswell (Scovell, Mrs J)
2nd: Ch Burghbridge Ur Solid Gold Skyvana JW ShCM (Bartram, Mr A K & Mrs E A)
3rd: Paupad Ring of Fire ShCM (Cullen, Mr P & Theresa)
Res: Penang so the Story Goes (Dutton, Mrs C)
VHC: Jhanakia Highland Destiny (Thompson & Austin, Mrs J & S A)

Open Phalene Dog (6 entries, 2 absent, 1 withdrawn)
1st: Multi Ch Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons ShCM CW14 PPVN15 (Imp USA) (Davidson Poston & Farrell, Mrs J & Miss K A)
2nd: Temelora Dream Lover (Morrell & Teague, Mdms S & T)
3rd: Pinkmead Twistin Time (Sparkes, Mrs V)

Minor Puppy Bitch (11 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Rozamie Madame Reeva (Magri & Arrowsmith, Messrs J & K)
2nd: Afterglow Lemon Pie (Gadsby & Isherwood, Messrs M & T)
3rd: Ambre Dore Beata Bea at Coxleyview (NAF, TAF) (Varley, Mrs J)
Res: Farthinghall Unico Bella at Semefidelis (Buckley-Waters, Mrs I)
VHC: Paparottsie Lady Jane (Urwin, Mrs P)

Puppy Bitch (11 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Zoloto Princess Queenslake (Sharp-Dixon, Mr K)
2nd: Paplene Regal Roxanne (Goodwin, Miss D)
3rd: Lafford Penny Black (Lees, Mrs C)
Res: Inixia The Bee’s Knees (Stanbury, Mrs S)
VHC: Kazkell Theme for a Dream for Lilnrose (Waller, Miss M)

Junior Bitch (8 entries, 0 absent)
1st: A’Dior’s Make a Wish Rozamie (Imp Dnk) (Magri & Forth, Mr J & Ms A)
2nd: Farleysbane Frilly Filly from Farthinghall (Milroy, Victor & McLaughlin, Mrs K, Mrs S & Miss E)
3rd: Feorlig Viva La Vida (Miller, Miss K)
Res: Panspayon April Wishes (Orchard, Miss S)
VHC: Ringlands Fun in the Sun (Lockhart, Mrs V)

Yearling Bitch (7 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Jap Ch Precious Majesty JP Queen Bless Art (Imp Jpn) (Stanmore, Mr N & Mrs E S)
2nd: Rozamie Look It’s Jennobar (NAF, TAF) (Morris & Langton, Mrs V & Mrs Y)
3rd: Rozamie Fleur Rouge for Jennobar (Langton & Morris, Mrs Y & Victoria)
Res: Taliesyn Travellersjoy (Geary, Mrs G)
VHC: Ookiimimi Just Imagine (Nash, Mrs J)

Maiden Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Sarahma Mayan Daydream Kazkell (Maskell & Waller, Mrs K & Miss M)

Novice Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Inixia Hot Stuff (Stanbury, Mrs S)
2nd: Wild Child (Bradford, Miss H)
3rd: Rozamie Fleur Rouge for Jennobar (Langton & Morris, Mrs Y & Victoria)
Res: Sarahmah Mayan Daydream Kazkell (Maskell & Waller, Mrs K & Miss M)
VHC: Taliesyn Love in the Mist (Geary, Mrs G)

Graduate Bitch (6 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Kazkell Theme for a Dream for Lilnrose (Waller, Miss M)
2nd: Panspayon April Wishes (Orchard, Miss S)
3rd: Petitchien Keep the Faith at Farthinghall (Milroy, Mrs K)
Res: Angullyon Molly Candyblaze (Walklett, Mrs J)
VHC: Creliatown Little Beauty (Tidmarsh, Mrs K)

Post Graduate Bitch (10 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Hillsorg Marka Amelia at Pappretty (Anderson, Mrs C)
2nd: Panspayon Ur my Lucky Charm (Whittaker, Mrs A)
3rd: Creliatown Trailing Queen (Tidmarsh, Mrs K)
Res: Altaya Ruby Star (Stanmore, Mr N & Mrs E S)
VHC: Omegaville Love Me Do (TAF) (Mason, Mrs Annette)

Mid Limit Bitch (7 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Metamorphic Opal (Buckley-Waters, Mrs I)
2nd: Ellmara Royal Romance with Shirando (Colyer, Mrs S)
3rd: Volpecula Tess Trueheart (Patrick, E)
Res: Petress Black Magic JW (Cullen, Mr P & Theresa)
VHC: Jaroma Lady in Waiting (Robbins, Mr & Mrs PJ & JA)

Limit Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Queen Bless Winner of Art Eroile at Blackpark (Imp Jpn) (Urquhart, Mr G & Mrs C)
2nd: Lafford Kandy Floss JW (Victor, Mrs S)
3rd: Petress Dark and Daring JW (Borg, Mrs A C & Ms E G N)
Res: Powdermill Look Here at Lilacrose (Diprose, Mrs K)
VHC: Creliatown Trailing Queen (Tidmarsh, Mrs K)

Open Bitch (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Ch Omegaville Make Me A Petitchien (Forth, Ms A)
2nd: NL Ch Spinillons Classic Caress Ir Jun Ch, JW, ShCM, CW14, PPVN15 (57)
3rd: Bedellus Jazz Time (Beadle, Mrs P)
Res: Afterglow Papa Don’t Preach (Scovell, Mrs J)
VHC: Metamorphic Onyx (Wells & Brown, K J & A J)

Veteran Bitch (11 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Ch & Ir Ch Spinillons Saffire JW ShCM (Davidson-Poston, Mrs J)
2nd: Powdermill Look with me at Metamorphic (Wells & Brown, K J & A J)
3rd: Havenbar Minniemouse (Nash, Mrs J)
Res: Creliatown Royal Mosaic (Tidmarsh, Mrs K)
VHC: Sempefidelis Dulcidine (Buckley-Waters, Mrs I)

Open Phalene Bitch (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st: Pinkmead Delightful Eve (Sparkes, Mrs V)

Junior Handling 6-11 years
1st: Issac Magri-Arrowsmith:

Junior Handling 12-16 years
1st: Caragh McGrath
2nd: Cerys Lewis
3rd: Jacob Magri-Arrowsmith