New Website Layout!
1st of August and we have a brand new website layout for you! IT moves on extremely quickly, and the old layout was just that – old! It had also had different webmasters who added bits and pieces to the admin side of it, so, to be honest, it had become a bit of a mess. So we decided to start completely fresh!
There are still a few tweaks to be made here and there, but we do hope that you like the new layout and find it easy to navigate. If you need any help finding your way around, or have any suggestions or points to make, please contact the webmaster, Jill Terry.
If you are already a registered member, we hope you find the logging in and out easier, as well as the members’ area. If you are a fully paid up member of the club, but not yet registered on the site, please simply click Register, complete and submit the form. You will have a short wait while we confirm your membership and approve you.
While you’re here, if you haven’t already, why not subscribe? That way you will be among the first to know when the site has new information. Just scroll down and fill in the form at the bottom of the site. You can unsubcribe at any time.