Membership Application Form

The Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club is an organisation for all interested in the Toy Dog breed known as the Papillon and its drop eared cousin known as the Phalène. The Club was established 1923 to promote the interests of the breed and to ensure adherence to true type, as stated in the Kennel Club Breed Standard. The club’s objectives are to encourage interest in, and responsible ownership of the breed, to provide a source of advice of the proper care of the breed and to promote awareness of its activities and welfare.

All members agree to abide by the Club’s rulesCode of Ethics and Code of Good Practice.

Membership subscriptions are due annually on the 1st January to the Membership Secretary either by cheque payable to The Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club, by Standing Order or by PayPal. Any notice of resignation must be received not less one month prior to this date (ie by 1st Dec).

Annual Membership Subscriptions are £10.60 for Single membership, and £12.65 for Joint Membership. You will be redirected to the payment page on submission of this form.

In order to log-in to your website account, please choose a user name and password. Note that you will not be able to access the members' area until your application has been approved by the committee:
Your application for membership must be proposed and sponsored by a standing club member of at least 12 months. If you do not know any members, please contact the club secretary for advice.
I/We would like to join the Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club, my/our application is proposed and seconded by two fully paid up members of the Club. If this application is accepted I/we agree to abide by the Club Rules and Code of Ethics and to promote the interests and welfare of the breed at all times.