KC Limited Agility Show

The Papillon Butterfly Dog Club are holding the first ever agility show for Papillons at the Fun Weekend in 2016. This will depend on how many people are prepared to come along and support this inaugral show. Denise Welsh is the Show Manager and we can only go ahead if people are willing to commit to coming now as we have to organise equipment, judges, etc a year in advance. We have tried to plan it so there will not be a Champ show running at the same time. The classes to be held will be:-

1 Grade 1-3 Agility Graded
2 Grade 3-5 Agility Graded
3 Grade 5-7 Agility Graded
4 Grade 1-3 Agility Combined
5 Grade 3-5 Agility Combined
6 Grade 5-7 Agility Combined
8 Grade 1-7 Jumping Combined
9 Pairs

To register please contact Debbie Goodwin