Papillon Rescue and Welfare
For all enquiries about rescue papillons, whether you know of a Papillon that needs help or are looking to adopt, please contact Melanie Mann (tel: 07751 450400 or 07856 267328) Rescue Coordinator or Chris Anderson (07779 738749)
We welcome donations to this good cause! Make a donation to Papillon Rescue
Breed Rescue is not new, it has been part of Club activities for many years but in a much lesser form than it is today.
Why do we need it? Unfortunately as the breed expands so do the problems relating to our dogs, which, in general, have been sold into Pet homes. Rescue and re-homing is becoming an ever increasing problem and is created due to a number of factors; death of the owner, unable to care due to old age, the break up of marriages and partnerships, and we could add a few more reasons.
It is one of those facilities undertaken by a very special band of people and tends to be one of those functions that, to the majority of our members, just happens, but always in the background and does not get the publicity it deserves.
One of the areas that needs investigating is how we can, as a Club, obtain a greater involvement from our members towards thinking Breed rescue, instead of just another article in the newsletter. Dedication is the key word. It has always been, and is still, run by people who must be admired and praised for the time, effort and personal dedication for the welfare and caring of these unwanted Papillons. After an initial telephone call for help it must be disconcerting for those involved not knowing what they are likely to find, until the rescue actually takes place and then the process begins of nursing and caring for these dogs until they are both well and stable enough to be re-homed. There are not enough words to thank these people.
The following are just a few of the Papillons that have been rehomed through the Club’s Rescue services (click photo to enlarge).