Centenary Championship Show 2023
15th April 2023
Judge: Phil Shirley (Cordonrouge)
135 Dogs making 147 entries, plus 13 NFC.
It was a great honour to be invited to judge the Centenary Championship show of the Papillon (Butterfly Dog) Club. Firstly, thank you to the club committee for organising such a fabulously well run show also the excellent stewards making my job a little easier. Most importantly many thanks to the members and exhibitors for such a superb entry, In days of falling entries at shows this was truly an excellent support for the club, long may it continue. Our breed clubs are the foundation of our lovely breed and their shows in my opinion are the highlights of the show calendar.
With roughly an equal split of D´s and B´s I had some well filled classes which is always nice for a judge but in such numbers, sadly some excellent dogs have to go card-less. The final line ups for both challenges were superb, full of high quality dogs many of which could have taken the top honours. I was spoilt for choice in some of the larger adult classes, and with so many super youngsters also present the breed looks set to bode well for the future. Please always remember… “Daintiness” is a key word.
A few positive observations of the breed I judged today… Size seems to have improved and standardised over the years and in general, construction and movement was good from well muscled fit dogs. Good mouths and level top lines were in evidence with generally well set and well carried tails of good bone length. Heads as always I found slightly mixed but was lucky to find so many with correct head proportions, with stops deep enough at the centre point of the eye set which is crucial to create the sweet Papillon head, good large firm ear leathers were evident. I was happy to see dark eyes were in abundance as this is also an important feature for expression. Beautiful well maintained coats of the correct silky texture were evident.
Where good movement is essential, temperament is also crucial, sadly a few of nervous disposition let themselves down in the ring, hopefully with time and patience they will gain their ring courage. Along with daintiness we must try to retain this happy, lively outgoing personality.
It was lovely to have a few Phalènes present today, thanks and encouragement must go to those who continue to breed and show this variety.
Phil Shirley
Best in Show: Gleniren Oops I did it Again Sunshoo (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Res Best in Show: Ch Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Best Opposite Sex: Nightfire’s Be Unique in Style at Panspayon JW (Imp Deu) (Miss S Orchard)
Best Puppy in Show: Gleniren Oops I did it Again Sunshoo (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Res Best Puppy In Show: Inixia Son of Zero (NAF) (Mrs S Stanbury)
Best Veteran in Show: Ch Metamorphic Delivered (K J Wells & A J Brown)
Best Phalène in Show: Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (NAF) (Mrs S Morrell)
Best Fringes in Show: Nightfire’s Be Unique in Style at Panspayon JW (Imp Deu) (Miss S Orchard)
Dog CC: Nightfire’s Be Unique in Style at Panspayon JW (Imp Deu) (Miss S Orchard)
Res Dog CC: Inixia Made by Design (Mrs S Stanbury)
Best Puppy Dog: Inixia Son of Zero (NAF) (Mrs S Stanbury)
Res Puppy Dog: Keomandi Fly me to the Moon (Mandy Keown)
Bitch CC: Gleniren Oops I did it Again Sunshoo (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Res Bitch CC: Ch Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Best Puppy Bitch: Gleniren Oops I did it Again Sunshoo (Mrs I & Mr G Robb)
Res Puppy Bitch: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale)

Minor Puppy Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Inixia Son of Zero (NAF) (Mrs S Stanbury) – Small B/W 6m. boy of quality. Sweetest of heads with good dark eye, so well put together with lovely firm body. So confident for one so young, moved effortlessly with style, great showy lad. RBPIS
2nd: Tarnock Hit the Jackpot (Dee Olof) – Sweet 6m. Tri, with pretty head good mobile ears and expression, good level top-line, moved well with confidence.
3rd Lafford Inspector Lewis of Farthinghall (Mrs Kat Milroy)
Puppy Dog (6 entries, 2 absent, 1 transfer-out)
1st: Keomandi Fly me to the Moon (Mandy Keown) – Very smart Tri. young boy of lovely mid size and shape, pretty head with well set ears, good fine bone, well set and carried tail. Moved positively.
2nd: Kezkez Signore Nico Roseberg (Julie Elaine Kerrison) – Smaller pretty dainty B/W boy so full of himself, well built throughout good tail set well carried. showed well.
3rd: Wilachans Thin White Duke (Jacqueline Green & Carl Cooper)
Res: Farthinghall Candy Man (Mrs Kat Milroy)
Junior Dog (15 entries, 1 absent, 1 transfer-out, 1 withdrawn)
Lovely class of youngsters.
1st: Tarnock Sweep the Board (Dee Olof) – Extremely smart R/S/W boy of mid size, so well put together, moved out well with good level top-line and well carried tail. Showed extremely well.
2nd: Lafford Black Onyx (Carol Lees) – Pretty B/W boy of quality, sweet head and good mobile ears, showy and confident, moved well.
3rd: Northlyte Wild Flame (Mr M G & Mrs E Davidson)
Res: Keomandi Fairy King (Mandy Keown)
VHC: Melangel Magic Mix (Mrs S Morrell)
Yearling Dog (8 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Northlyte Ring of Brodgar (Elizabeth & Karen Anderson) – Rich R/W/S of mid size, very pretty head , nicely put together, very smart on the move with good coat coming. V. Well presented and showed well.
2nd: Skyvana Caught at Metamorphic (K J Wells & A J Brown) – Lovely mid size B/W boy of excellent quality, pretty head and good firm body, great tail well carried, moved and showed well.
3rd: Elmaraine Remy Martin at Carrollryan (Mrs C Montgomery)
Res: Skyvana Catch me at Jhannakia (Jane Austin & Sandra Austin)
VHC: Skyvana Devil in Disguise with Lyveden (Angela Challenger)
Novice Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Glendian Blake at Wilchans (Jacqueline Green & Carl Cooper) – Sweet R/W/S boy of mid size, pretty head , moved and showed well.
2nd: Summerjade Red Hot Vanilla (Mandy Holmes) – Pretty R/W/S boy with lovely head , lacking in confidence today hopefully that will come.
Graduate Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Blackpark Bastille (Mr G & Mrs C Urquhart) – Very smart R/W boy, well balenced nicely put together with good fine bone. Quality coat, showed very well.
2nd: Melangel Dazzling Dream (Emily High) – B/W boy of mid size, good head well made throughout, profuse coat , moved out well.
3rd: Elfuago Dfor Aw(s) (Miss K McGrath)
Res: Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury)
Post Graduate Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Feyetas Mighty Atom (Susan Turner) – V. smart R/S/W boy in profuse coat, good firm body, nice fine bone, very pretty head with excellent dark eye. Showed and moved smartly.
2nd: Elfuago Booyah (Mandy Holmes) – R/W mid size boy, nice head well constructed, good level top-line with well carried tail. moved out well.
3rd: Inixia Tailor Made for Brandonburg (Mrs S Glanville-Hughes & Mrs S Stanbury)
Limit Dog (9 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Nightfire’s Be Unique in Style at Panspayon JW (Imp Deu) (Miss S Orchard) – This striking young Tri boy, was completely captivating, of slightly larger size with lovely head of excellent proportions, large well flared ears, heavily fringed which he used well. An elegant but masculine boy, excelling in so many virtues, good neck, deep chest , good fine bone, profuse silky coat. His flowing movement was a joy to watch, plenty of reach and drive, he moved effortlessly round the ring, his level top-line held at all times and excellent tail carriage created a super overall picture, presented in beautiful condition and handled superbly. DCC and Best Opposite sex and Best Fringes in show.
2nd: Manawyddan Victor Hugo (MLL & E Anne Griffiths) – Up there with number one in quality, lovely mover, good neck and with level top/line, good fine bone, quality coat of correct texture.
3rd: Baillion Black Obsidian for Zizula (Lindsay Slater)
Res: Elendil Crusader (Mrs A C & Ms EGN Borg)
VHC: Purepixie Red Admiral (Mrs J & Miss L Walklett)
Open Dog (16 Entries, 2 absent)
Super class, so many great dogs.
1st: Inixia Made by Design (Mrs S Stanbury) – his lovely B/W Boy of mid size, took all in his stride, I just loved his confidence in the ring. His lovely head with beautifully set ears, good neck and firm body, level top line, so well made throughout. Excellent movement with well carried tail completed a lovely overall picture, super quality silky coat, a truly lovely example of the breed. RCC.
2nd: Ch Pappretty Grt Expectations (Christine Anderson) – High quality R/S/W boy excelling in coat and with beautiful head, so well made with great tail set carried over a completely level top-line, showed beautifully and moved out so well.
3rd: Amicae Mr Chips (Mrs M Whitehill)
Res: Am Ch Clearlake Mgl-Isle Nestle Quick of VW (Elyse Vandermolon, Mrs B & Mr R Winters, Mrs J Peel, Ms S Stemler)
VHC: Manawyddan HarryHare (MLL & E Anne Griffiths)
Veteran Dog (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafay Petite Etoile JW (Mr A Foynes) – Quality mid size R/S/W boy with nice head of good proportions, good quality silky coat, well made body, moved true.
2nd: Ookiimimi Jitterbug (Jackie Nash) – Another quality boy, with lovely neck and good level top-line , moved and showed very well.
3rd: Altaya Star Attraction (Ms K & Mrs A Bull)
Res: inixia Saucy Sam SHCM (Mrs S Stanbury)
VHC: Jorgealin Moon Shine JW (Mrs J L Green & Mrs L George-Evans)
Open Phalène Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell) – Pretty Phalane boy of med size. Nice head with good ear placement for variety, so well made throughout , standing four square made a lovely overall picture. very sound positive movement.
2nd: Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia (Mrs S Stanbury) – Dainty, very fine Tri boy with nice head.
Minor Puppy Bitch (5 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Gleniren Oops I did it Again Sunshoo (Mrs I & Mr G Robb) – So where do I start here? Rarely is a judge presented with a youngster (just 6 months old) not only of such huge quality, but already carrying all the virtues we should be looking for in the breed, basically the full package. She has the most beautiful head of correct proportions, a wonderful flare of ear which were very mobile using them to her advantage. A good dark eye giving the most perfect soft expression. A lovely firm body with a well set and carried tail.The neatest of lovely hare feet. She was on her toes at all times with such a bomb-proof temperament, she moved effortlessly and so soundly. A privilege for me to judge her, I had no option but to award her the top honours she truly deserved. BIS , BPIS, BMPIS.
2nd: Farthinghall Wizz Away (Mrs Kat Milroy) – Dainty R/S/W girl with v pretty head with good flare of ear, well made, good fine bone, moved and showed very well.
3rd: Elmaraine Mi Amor (Mr M G & Mrs E Davidson)
Res: Keomandi I can Fly (Mandy Keown)
VHC: Farthinghall Dainty Doris at Angullyon
Puppy Bitch (7 entries, 1 transfer-in, 1 absent)
1st: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale) – Very pretty B/W Phalane girl of lovely size, sweet head and well set fringed drop ears. Moved out well with confidence, nice level top-line with well carried tail. RBPB
2nd: Iotastar’s Pride and Joy (Ms J D & Mr C J Mowatt) – Mid size B/W girl with good head and lovely dark eye, very well put together, moved out very well with good level top-line.
3rd: Stagedoor Isobelle (Sandra Stone & Tom Isherwood)
Res: Wilachans Lizzy (Carl Cooper)
VHC: Dancing Destiny Mjlan Sings at Cazarno (Carolyn Nicholls)
Junior Bitch (9 entries, 1 transfer-in, 1 absent)
1st: Lafford Pot of Gold (Carol Lees) – Sweet R/W girl, fine and dainty, pretty head with good dark eye, level top-line with well carried tail, moved and showed very confidently.
2nd: Feyeta I’m on Fire (Mrs M Whitehill) – Sweet R/S/W girl with gook head and neck, level top-line with with well set tail moved out well showing nicely.
3rd: Melangel Miss Dollymix (Shireen Last)
Res: Keomandi Gypsy Moon at Purepixie (Helen Walsh)
VHC: Khanor it must be Faith (Ruth Brownsey)
Yearling Bitch (9 entries, 2 absent)
1st: Metamorphic Flyte (K J Wells & A J Brown) – Pretty, lovely size Tri girl, super head and ears great dark eye, build so soundly, moved out showing a good level top-line, with great tail carriage, showed and handled very well.
2nd: Aurora Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (NAF) (Mrs S Morrell) – Super Tri Phalane girl of lovely proportions, so sound in body and movement, great neck with lovely fine bone, pretty head and expression, super hare feet. on her toes moved extremely well.
3rd: Elmaraine Whispering Star Over Northlyte (Elizabeth & Karen Anderson)
Res: Moshu Golden Sunrise of Iotastar (Ms J D & Mr C J Mowatt)
VHC: Manawyddan to a Wild Rose (MLL & E Anne Griffiths)
Novice Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)
1st: Lafford Pot of Gold (Carol Lees) (see Junior Bitch for critique)
2nd: Melangel Miss Dollymix (Shireen Last) – Sweet mid size B/W girl, nice head with good dark eye, good fine bone, lacking a little confidence.
3rd: Ookiimimi Quicksilver (Jackie Nash)
Res: Jayberry Faith in Melangel (Mrs M A & Misses BC & JS Mann)
Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Jayberry Faith in Melangel (Mrs M A & Misses BC & JS Mann) – Nice B/W girl. showing better in this class, pretty head with excellent pigment, moved out well with level top-line.
2nd: Taliesyn Canterbury Bells (Mrs Gill Geary) – Fine and dainty girl with pretty head, needs to fill out.
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Panspayon Natasha JW (Miss S Orchard) – Top quality dainty Tri girl, very pretty head with great pigment, soundly put together with good fine bone, so alert and on her toes, nice hare feet, moved and showed extremely well.
2nd: Wilachans Bindie (Carl Cooper) – Super R/W/S girl with very pretty head and good dark eye, sound body and lovely outline, Moved out very well.
3rd: Taliesyn Floribunda of Brandonburg (Sylvia Glanville-Hughes)
Res: Ookiimimi Pirouette (Jackie Nash)
Limit Bitch (10 entries, 4 absent)
Another lovely class.
1st: Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) (NAF) (Mrs S Morrell) – Another lovely mid size Tri Phalane girl of quality, a young girl with lovely temperament and confidence lovely head with correct well fringed drop ears. lovely neck, so soundly made throughout . completely level top-line and well carried tail, quality coat, stood four square showing all the time. BPH.IS
2nd: Lafford Golden Nugget (Lindsay Slater) – tunning rich R/S/W with very sweet head, good fine bone, in beautiful condition, holding her tail well moved out with drive.
3rd: Briar Rose for Ringland (Lt Cdr BDS & Mrs PA Cox)
Res: Melangel Gaily Georgia at Lindanwaye (Mr W & Mrs L Jury)
VHC: Wilachans Bo (Carl Cooper)
Open Bitch (9 entries, 1 absent)
Super Class
1st: Ch Gleniren Daddy’s Starmaker (Mrs I & Mr G Robb) – A captivating young B, with such an eye catching presence, of mid size with beautiful head and expression. Elegant neck flowing onto great shoulders, super top line and excellent tail set. So well made with good fine bone, quality coat presented beautifully, lovely hare feet. Moved so true with good drive. Handled exceptionally well with great consideration. This one is hard to beat but today her younger sister did exactly that. RBCC, RBIS.
2nd: Johnasta Georgia for Temelora (Mrs S Morrell) – Beautifully built Tri girl of quality, nice head , good neck, held level top-line, in excellent form, moved out extremely well.
3rd: Magic Sunrise Natalia (Imp Lva) (NAF) (Mdms C Lee-Slater & C Kewley)
Res: Lafford Golden Child (Carol Lees)
VHC: Metamorphic Vista (K J Wells & A J Brown)
Veteran Bitch (10 entries, 5 absent)
1st: Ch Metamorphic Delivered (K J Wells & A J Brown) – This quality twelve year old veteran is an old favourite of mine, and she’s still got it.Lovely mid size with super body , good fine bone. In lovely bloom with well carried tail. Showed like a the pro she is. BVIS.
2nd: Jorgealin Moon Star at Purepixie (Helen Walsh) – Seven year old R/W girl of quality, sweet head and good body, moved out well.
3rd: Ch Tricianbri Tuppence a Kiss JW SHCM (Lt Cdr BDS & Mrs PA Cox)
Res: Ookiimimi Just Imagine (Jackie Nash)
VHC: Angullyon’s Secret Delight (Mrs J & Miss L Walklett)
Open Phalène Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st: Dance by Candlelight (Amanda Hale) (See Puppy Bitch for critique)
Thanks to ©Lindsay Slater & Jackie Green for the photographs